San Diego, CA — Over the past several years, a number of medical spas have operated under false licensing. Some physicians have been capitalizing on an opportunity to receive extra income by allowing medical spas to illegally operate under their licenses, according to a Fox News investigation. San Diego plastic surgeon Dr. … Continue
With recent happenings in Europe regarding defective silicone PIP breast implants and the gross negligence on the part of the implant manufacturer, people with implants maybe wondering, just what type of implant they have. Right after breast augmentation surgery most patients are anxious to know what size and type of implant was … Continue
The Guardian recently reported that the Arab Spring, which started in late 2010, has resulted in an increase in capital punishment throughout the Middle East. Governments are cracking down on dissidents, and they’re using capital punishment to send a life-threatening message to organizers of pro-democracy movements. The Arab spring that swept across the … Continue
San Diego, CA — Dr. Scott Miller, a plastic surgeon in San Diego, was recently asked to appear on the Health Matters segment of the University of California San Diego Television program to discuss the Latest in Cosmetic Surgery Procedures. A Volunteer Clinical Instructor at the School of Medicine at UCSD, Dr. … Continue
Dr. Scott Miller was recently invited to participate as a special guest on UCSD-TV’s Health Matters. The topic of conversation was “The Latest in Cosmetic Surgery Procedure”. Dr. Miller discussed recent advances that make aesthetic enhancement treatments more accessible with better results and less recovery time. Talking with host David Granet, MD, … Continue
Dysport® is a new injectable to help combat facial aging. Used like Botox® this newly FDA-approved product is said to last 30% longer and take effect 25% quicker! We are excited to add Dysport® to our list of procedures that will help you look your best.